Friday, April 11, 2008

Carrying a torch (no, not the Olympic one)

There's another group you gotta watch your foodstamps around: the hopeless. They break down into three major categories: married, just in for the weekend...

[Awkward glances, mugging, half-laughs.]

At least I don't have to cook you breakfast.

When the only sound in the empty street/ is the heavy tread of the heavy feet/ that belong to a lonesome cop,/ I open shop.

Most people when they see me just want conversation.

David, get over here!

Kiss goodbye?

Ma, they're so different.

Harvey Fierstein, the unlikeliest of performers, is a master of faces. He would've made a great silent star. These moments come from Torch Song Trilogy (1988), which he adapted from his Broadway play. I enjoyed this movie — despite its hurried pace — because of him.

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